Private Money Academy - Real Estate Investing With Jay Conner
Real Estate Investing Show for Professional Investors
Why Real Estate Is Cheap! with Jason Hartman & Jay Conner
Jay Conner
Jun 30 2022

Jason Hartman® has been involved in several thousand real estate transactions and has owned income properties in 11 states and 17 cities.
His companies help people achieve The American Dream of financial freedom by purchasing income property in prudent markets nationwide.
Jason’s Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ is a comprehensive system providing real estate investors with education, research, resources, and technology to deal with all areas of their income property investment needs.
The United States offers nearly 400 distinct and diverse markets while most media pundits characterize the “housing market” as if it were a single entity.
They realize they do this to cram a cogent comment into a simple sound bite. Real estate cannot be described that simply. It’s just not accurate. There is NO such thing as a United States real estate market.
However, there is an Atlanta, Georgia, or a Dallas, Texas real estate market.
To that end, they scour the entire country with an “Area Agnostic™” approach and select the most suitable and sensible markets to recommend to our investors so they don’t waste countless hours doing it themselves.
0:01 - Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money
0:29 - Introduction
1:11 - Jay’s New Book: “Where To Get The Money Now” -
2:32 - Today’s guest: Jason Hartman
9:56 - Who is Jason Hartman?
18:23 - Tale of 3 Markets
20:30 -” The Cure for High Prices is High Prices”
20:57 - “The Cure for Low Prices is Low Prices”
21:37 - Packaged Commodities Investing
23:44 - Lumber Market Indicators
25:10 - 100-Year Housing Price Index Graph
26:43 - Jason’s free book -
27:16 - Inflation-Induced Debt Destruction
28:04 - Home Prices and the Consumer Price Index
32:37 - Home Price in Gold
36:27 - Home Price in Median Income
37:04 - It’s Not About The Price It’s About the Payment
37:22 - Mortgage Payment in Hours Worked at Minimum Wage
41:37 - Connect with Jason Hartman: &
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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Cashflow Conference
The Conner Marketing Group Inc.
P.O. Box 1276, Morehead City, NC USA 28557
P 252-808-2927
F 252-240-2504
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